What is Blockchain 4.0?

Narsun Studios
3 min readJan 5, 2022


Blockchain 3.0 is still growing and establishing itself in the industry. So the question arises, Is it too early to talk about Blockchain 4.0? The answer to this question is a big NO, Blockchain is presently advancing at a very rapid pace. Blockchain technology has progressed from the stage of discovery and experimentation to the stage of implementation and transformation.

Where Blockchain 3.0 was primarily concerned with resolving the issues that were faced by Blockchain 2.0, Blockchain 4.0 is concerned with using blockchain to innovate technology further.

Blockchain 4.0 aims to make Blockchain a more business-friendly environment for developing and deploying more advanced decentralized applications (dApps). The most important factors will be speed, UI/UX, and targeting a bigger and common audience.

Applications of Blockchain 4.0

Blockchain 4.0 applications can ve curtailed into three layers:

  1. Web 3.0
  2. Metaverse
  3. Industry 4.0

Web 3.0

The Internet is continually evolving, and the third generation of internet services are here, which are drivers by technical advancements known as IoT (Internet of Things), Blockchain, and AI (Artificial Intelligence). Web 3.0 is centered on decentralization which implies that Blockchain has a very evident role to play in it.

Web 3.0 relies on decentralization, which Blockchain fuels, It aims to establish autonomous, open, intelligent, and transparent applications. With the rise of Blockchain 4.0, the expectation related to Web 3.0 to emerge as the winner are getting higher.


Metaverses are here to rule for a very long time now. Big names like Facebook and Nvidia are already stepping foot into this. People are already very entangled in social networks, online gaming, and working online as well. People are interconnected through them, these encounters will become more vivid and natural thanks to Metaverse. Metaverse’s VR environments will be created using AI, IoT (internet of things), AR (Augmented Reality) & VR (Virtual Reality), Cloud, and Blockchain, in which users will communicate via a digital world but the experiences will be real.

Thinking about the games that are being launched through Metaverse, major art exhibitions, concerts, and virtual workplaces being held there guarantee the success of Metaverse.

The enhanced solutions of Blockchain 4.0 can assist Metaverse users in regulating their security and safety requirements. For example, Metaverse’s gaming platform where players may buy, own, and trade things worth millions of dollars in-game. To prevent forgery of these assets, proof of ownership will be required using something as inquestionable and rare as NFTs.

The following Metaverse development requirements can be regulated with blockchain technologies, notably those envisaged in Blockchain 4.0:

  • Decentralization
  • Data management that is not centralized
  • Saftey
  • Proof of ownership
  • Asset collectability in the digital realm
  • Interoperability in cryptography allows for the transfer of value.

Industrial Revolution 4.0

Considering Blockchain 4.0 to be a concept that drives all digital transformation means that it is going to be a huge driving force in any business domain. Industrial revolutions have always been needed to shake up clichés and inject some originality into the world. Blockchain is fueling the fourth industrial revolution’s upheavals. Blockchain 4.0 is going to be the fourth pillar of the internet revolution according to World Bank experts since technology has the ability to minimize corruption by enhancing transparency in business operations and financial processes

How Narsun Studios can guide you through your Blockchain journey?

Blockchain is rapidly approaching its fourth resurrection. As a result, you can be confident that incorporating blockchain technology into businesses will become feasible, timely, and will have value for money. Blockchain 4.0 solutions will help organizations develop secure apps based on decentralization, unique, and distributed encrypted ledgers than just automated record-keeping.

A blockchain transformation journey for any company is a multi-phasic procedure that is initiated through the business requirement leading to analysis, consultation, conceptualization, development of smart contract, front and backend development, deployment, maintenance, and updates, just like any other digital transformation.

Narsun Studios provides end-to-end blockchain development services. Our developers are familiar with various sorts of Blockchain SDKs, APIs, CLIs, frameworks, and programming languages. We’re working on Metaverse and Web 3.0-related initiatives. We provide comprehensive development services for developing smart contracts, integrating wallets, developing dApps, Defi platforms, NFT marketplaces, and other blockchain-related projects.

If you are interested in launching a blockchain project or upgrading your previous one, feel free to reach out to us. We would be pleased to work with you.



Narsun Studios

We excel in crafting AAA games, metaverse environments, AI technologies, digital twins, and immersive AR/VR experiences that captivate audiences worldwide.